Install Observium Ubuntu 18.04

Compatible Versions

Install Observium Ubuntu 18.04 Command

The latest version of the Ubuntu operating system for desktop PCs and laptops, Ubuntu 20.10 comes with nine months, until July 2021, of security and maintenance updates. Recommended system requirements are the same as for Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS. Ubuntu 20.10 release notes. Update Ubuntu system. We always work on a latest release of OS to make sure there are no old.

This guide works with Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04 and Debian 8 and 9. We strongly recommend using Ubuntu 18.04.

Automated Installation¶

Observium has an automated install script for use on Ubuntu and Debian systems.

Using the automated installation script is as easy as downloading it, running it and answering a few simple questions, start with:

Manual Installation¶

If you'd prefer to do a manual installation, you can follow the manual install guide below.

Install Dependencies¶

Install the packages we need to run Observium:

Ubuntu 20.04:¶

Ubuntu 18.04:¶

Enable the universe and multiverse repositories first

Debian 9:¶

Ubuntu 16.04 and Debian 8:¶


If you want to be able to monitor libvirt virtual machines, install libvirt-bin (beware: this pulls in a whole bunch of dependencies you otherwise probably wouldn't need on your server):

Download Observium¶

First, create a directory for Observium to live in:

Observium Editions

Observium comes in two editions, an Open Source Community Edition released on a biannual cycle, and a Subscription Edition with additional features, rapid bug fixes and feature improvements on a daily basis and an easy to use SVN-based update mechanism.

Observium Community Edition¶


If you would like to install the Community Edition, please install using the most recent .tar.gz release.

Download the latest .tar.gz of Observium and unpack:

Observium Subscription Editions¶

If you have a valid Observium subscription, please use one of the automated SVN release repositories.

We recommend the stable train for people who intend to use automated updates to keep their Observium installation up to date. How to download from dstv catch up on pc.

For the current train:


For the stable train:


Change into the new install directory:

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Copy the default configuration file and edit it for your system:

Edit config.php. Change the options to reflect your installation.

MySQL Credentials

You must change the MySQL username and password. Most other settings can be left as default.

MySQL Database¶

Create the MySQL database:¶

You will see the MySQL version upon logging on to the MySQL monitor with mysql -u root -p.

MySQL 8 (Ubuntu 20.04)¶
MySQL <8 and MariaDB¶

Setup the MySQL database and insert the default schema:¶

It is OK to have some errors in the SQL revisions

Create required directories¶

Create the directory Observium will store its logs in:

Alternatively you can create a directory somewhere else and point the log_dir directive in the configuration to that directory.

Create the directory to store RRDs in:

Apache Configuration¶

Ubuntu newer than 14.04 and newer versions of Debian use Apache 2.4. You can check your version of Apache with the following command:

dpkg -l apache2

Apache 2.2¶

If you're using Apache 2.2 the server will be running only Observium, change /etc/apache2/sites-available/default to :

Apache 2.4¶

If you're using Apache 2.4 (Ubuntu 14.04 or newer Debian), you need to use this alternative format :

The required file is now /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf on some installations, such as Ubuntu 16.04.

Alternatively you can create a vhost just for Observium (see the bottom of the page)

Enable php mcrypt module if it's installed (ignore if it isn't):

On newer distros (Ubuntu 16.04 and above), enable PHP and switch to mpm_prefork:

Enable mod_rewrite for Observium's URLs:

Add Initial User and Device¶

Add a first user, use level of 10 for admin:

Ubuntu Server 18.04 Install Desktop

Add a first device to monitor:

Perform Initial Discovery and Poll¶

Do an initial discovery and polling run to populate the data for the new device:

Add cron jobs, create a new file /etc/cron.d/observium with the following contents:

Cron Usage

The below example includes a username, so will only work in /etc/crontab or /etc/cron.d/observium. It will NOT work in a user crontab edited with crontab -e without removing the username.

Polling Interval

Observium operates on a fixed poller frequency of 5 minutes or 300 seconds. The poller-wrapper process must be run at this frequency will NOT work otherwise.

Poller Performance

Please note running four poller instances is good for initial testing, but do check the Performance Tuning page for further performance enhancing options once you get going.

You should now be able to browser to your server's IP address or hostname and access the Observium web interface.


Updating Observium has been designed to be as quick and painless as possible. Using our SVN delivery mechanism, it can even be automated. Because we have a rapid development and model, we recommend that you update frequently, at least once per month, though once or twice per week is better and many users update daily via an automated CRON job.

See Updating the Subscription Edition for a short explanation on how to update the Subscription Edition of Observium.

Apache Virtual Host¶

If you want to create a proper virtual host, something like this:

You'll need to create an /opt/observium/logs directory with permissions so that Apache can write to it.


If you're using Debian, due to the decision of Debian to no longer ship SNMP MIBs with the distribution, you need to direct the snmp utilities to use Observium's MIBs in order to suppress some annoying error output.

Remove this line in /etc/snmp/snmp.conf:

Replace it with this :

Install Observium Ubuntu 18.04 Linux

This is one of the many self-imposed Debian issues that make Ubuntu generally a better choice for overall maintainability.


When running poller.php or discovery.php you may see a lot of notices regarding undefined indexes, variables and offsets.To hide these notices you can do the following:

Find the line containing:

Change this to:

If there are problems with this installation tutorial, please make sure you've followed the install guide closely, check the FAQs, then join our IRC channel or Mailing Lists and ask for help.